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Congratulations Archana!!
The 20th edition begins with a celebration. Archana Kamath emerged as a winner in a music competition held by Mumbai Mirror newspaper of the Times of India Group.
Check the photographs of our victorious princess and the article right here:
Click here
For those who have the hard copy of Mumbai mirror.. check Page 41.
Archana's glory continues with her song!
raina beeti arch.m... |
Proud Father Dinesh Kamath
After Archana hitting the headlines, its time for her father Dinesh Kamath (Dinnu maam affectionately to those who know him close)to bask us in his magical voice!
KNHK din.mp3 |
Reshma Pai's Silken Loom
Just like a loom with its unique rhythm, that spins out magical fabric with vibrant designs; Reshma with her voice casts a spell of her silken voice. Week after week, she returns with varieties ranging from Konkani bhajans to Hindi songs. The secret of the beautiful fabric out of her musical loom??? her song says it all.. Na tum jaano na hum :-) |
Prathamesh "Pat" Kini - the lad in Liverpool red jersey.
An ardent soccer fan spotted frequently in his red Liverpool T-shirt, Pat also knows the best way to get to the goalposts of his friends is through his songs! He sings the latest number "In Dino" from the latest hindi movie.. Life in a metro.
in dino.mp3 |
Savkur-aale Sakkara (Sugar of Savkur)
With the end of this weeks edition, Amit Savkur sings a Rafi Classic with a karaoke accompaniment... Na jaane tum kab aaoge.
Suhani Raat Dhal C... |
As Amit's voice said in his song above.. Na jaane tum kab aaoge.. Radio Idli asks the same to all the budding Saraswat talent.. when are you arriving??.. Feel free to send your recordings in MP3 format to and be a star of Radio Idli :-)
We will be happy to hear from you!!
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Stay tuned and Stay beautiful!!